Classified ad

The club Hotchkiss provides the public with a free classifieds publication service for individuals. These ads allow everyone to sell, exchange, donate a Hotchkiss vehicle or parts of a Hotchkiss vehicle. The content of the advertisements and their authenticity are the sole responsibility of their authors.
In particular, it excludes advertisements that do not ensure that the vehicle model complies with the original design, that the proposed parts are not clearly assigned to a Hotchkiss vehicle. Advertising of a commercial nature, contrary to the law or to good morals is prohibited. Club Hotchkiss reserves the right not to publish an advertisement without mandatory notification to its author or to interrupt this service at any time.
The club Hotchkiss is not involved in the transaction of the goods following the announcements and declines any responsibility in the case of an unsatisfactory transaction.
To insert an ad in this section, please send the text, contact details and photos to:
# Vehicle