The Club

Organization chart of our association

Discover your contacts at the Hotchkiss club

Honorary Presidents
Founding president Alain Lucas
Honorary Presidents Claude Delagneau, Jean-Pierre Villatte, Marc-Antoine Colin, Emmanuel Gueilhers
Honorary Vice President Louis Le Goas
Honorary secretary Alain Le Guével
Executive board
President Eric Nicolas president @
Vice Presidents Jean-Paul Boussière
Secretary Jean-Jacques Chaumeton secretaire @
Financial and administrative manager Sylvain Février tresorier @
Directors Olivier Binois (Shop Manager) boutique @
  Stéphane Carnein
  Patrice Caussade
  Richard Coquelu (Internet & remanufacturing ) webmaster @
  Patrice Ferrand (Spare parts Manager) piecesdetachees @
  Bertrand Garrigues
  Nicole Marchandin
  Fabrice Priolet
Project coordinators
Historical advisor Marc Antoine Colin
Auditor Guy Schindeldecker
Census of vehicles Jean-Paul Boussière, Fabien Latour
Responsible for regional events

Note: The divisions are not made according to the administrative regions but according to the position of the delegates. Please refer to the map below.

Alpes-Dauphiné Guillaume Cambon (
Aquitaine Bertrand Garrigues (
Auvergne Jean-Marc Pauty (
Bourgogne Jean-Paul Boussière ( & Joël Criard (
Bretagne Jean Claude Serrière (
Centre-Val de Loire Eric Nicolas (
Champagne Ardennes Richard Pérignon (
Corse Remi Bain (
Grand Est Jean-François Lavie (
Île de France (Ouest) -- A pourvoir --
Île de France (Est) Fabrice Priolet (
Normandie Patrice Ferrand (
Occitanie Jean Guilhaumon (
Occitanie Bernard Lacène (
Paris Jean-Pierre Villatte (
Pays de la Loire Patrick Gouyer (
Sud Est Rémi Bain (


Ain Aisne Allier Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Hautes-Alpes Alpes-Maritimes Ardèche Ardennes Ariège Aube Aude Aveyron Bouches-du-Rhône Calvados Cantal Charente Charente-Maritime Cher Corrèze Corse Côte-d'Or Côtes-d'Armor Creuse Dordogne Doubs Drôme Eure Eure-et-Loir Finistère Gard Haute-Garonne Gers Gironde Hérault Ille-et-Vilaine Indre Inde-et-Loire Isère Jura Landes Loir-et-Cher Loire Haute-Loire Loire-Atlantique Loiret Lot Lot-et-Garonne Lozère Maine-et-Loire Manche Marne Haute-Marne Mayenne Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Morbihan Moselle Nièvre Nord Oise Orne Pas-de-Calais Puy-de-Dôme Pyrénées-Atlantiques Hautes-Pyrénées Pyrénées-Orientales Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Rhône Haute-Saône Saône-et-Loire Sarthe Savoie Haute-Savoie Paris Seine-Maritime Seine-et-Marne Yvelines Deux-Sèvres Somme Tarn Tarn-et-Garonne Var Vaucluse Vendée Vienne Haute-Vienne Vosges Yonne Territoire de Belfort Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d'Oise

Sliding the mouse over the map brings up the name of the local delegate

Cliquez sur la carte pour obtenir le nom du délégué local
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Eric Nicolas
Bernard Lacène
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Jean François Lavie
Jean François Lavie
Jean Guilhaumon
Jean Marc Pauty
Jean Paul Boussière
Joël Criard
Jean Claude Serrière
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Patrice Ferrand
Patrick Gouyer
Rémi Bain
Richard Pérignon
Fabrice Priolet
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Guillaume Cambon
Bertrand Garrigues


Heads of International Offices
Germany Rainer Hindrischedt (+33
United States ---
United Kingdom Sandra Stapleton (+33
Switzerland Rudolf Kneubühler (+41 79.459.94.94)
Honours Committee
Honours Committee Philippe Charbonneaux † - Alexis Dreye † - Pierre Fouquet-Hatevilain † - Jean-Albert Grégoire †
François Duhamel † - Paul Hickson - Harley N. Hotchkiss - Alexis Kow † - Henri Malartre †
André Méral - Edmond Mouche † - Jacqueline Poilpré † - Daniel Tard † - Maurice Worms †
Webmaster Richard Coquelu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.